Monday, November 21, 2011

Feast of the Hare Update...Really November part 1!


Well it is time for me to do my monthly post and really being sick at home is probably the best time. Since my last post we had our Halloween Party, which was a great success, but as usual too much food left over! :P Everyone's costumes were fantastic and I hope everyone had a good time too!

Well for my SCA self it has been a crazy 2-3 weeks. Once Halloween was done I could concentrate on getting ready for Feast of the Hare (FOTH), our Annual big event here. So I promised Avelyn that I would make her a new Italian Renaissance outfit based on the one she was given. It was made out of beautiful Black Velveteen, which turned out to be the devil since it was stretchy! Ugh! When I fitted the petticoat from the measurements I did of her, I had to take it in another 3 inches (and she is telling me she is not loosing weight, HA!) So when I had the gown completed we put it on and it looked smashing! But as I am not used to doing fitted garments not for me, it has had some technical difficulties! So our good friend THL Catherine gave me some good suggestions (actually that was at Kingdom A&S) but she does fitted Elizabethan garb all the time. So I will try these adjustments and see if it makes a difference! Sorry Avelyn I will try better! So I had to work quickly to get an ensemble together for Avelyn at hare, she looked fantastic even with the malfunctions! :)

At FOTH I was able to do some entouraging for Their Majesties Quilliam and Dagmar, which was so much fun! I wore my Italian Renaissance for the day. Avelyn and I found a great fake hair place in Ottawa so that we would have nice hair. Here is the picture I have from Dafydd. I have to say it is my favourite now...I even have it on my FB page! Doesn't my fake bun look great and real!
Picture by David Gotlieb
It is hard to see, but it looks great from this angle! :) Now as you might be able to tell that I am kneeling, so I must be in court for something. Wait for it! It is true. I had had a congratulations from Lady Fursto from the coronation of Dagmar and Quillam (The stepping down on King Aaron and Queen Rustique) that I got something, now this was September 24, and I couldn't be there as we were at Lee and Kathi's wedding and it was Takahiro's Grandmothers 90th birthday (and she just passed away November 1st - yes it has been crazy!) So I have been waiting in anticipation of what it could be... I got my maiden's heart! YAY! For all my work doing entourage and teaching, etc.

Emelote getting her Maiden's heart and king Quilliam acting as King Aaron - Photo by David Gotlieb
I actually ended up with 2 scrolls for this award. Not sure what the story is on that one, but here they are!

(Left) Scroll by Her Excellency Nicolaa de Bracton - (right) Scroll by Lady Elsbeth
 They are so beautiful, Lady Elsbeth has me in my Tudor Garb within the Illuminated Letter. I love them both, now I need to get them framed together! So all my awards have been given to my by Aaron and Rustique (AOA) - funny how that works out! I also thought it was funny that I got my service award before my Arts & Science...who knew! Now I need to figure out how to wear the award on my many different outfits!

My next post will be about Kingdom A&S and my work on my Arab cooking dished! Lots of pics on that one! (Won't be a month away this time!)

PS: I got an extension on my White Wolf as Mistress Siglinda gave me some great suggestions. I would like to get it done as soon as I can, and I might use them for Kingdom A&S Pent next year - do a German Theme...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You mean we will be fian AND pent buddies? Yay!
