I have to say that I don't like the LJ format any longer...I can't change the look and the prefabs are not very creative. So I am going to transfer all of my old blogs here...so wish me luck!
I have moved everything over...now to let people know that I am not going to use LJ...

Emelote of Calais' Arts and Sciences Activities for the Society of Creative Anachronism (SCA) and other historical projects.
This page will help me document what I am working on. It could be research, planning, testing, making, etc and anything I find interesting for my life in the society (and the odd other projects).
The companion blog to The Tudor Kitchen - tudorkitchen.blogspot.ca
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
January 22, 2011 - Pattern Give Away!
Well I have had enough of my messy sewing room that I CAN'T work in! So I am getting rid of patterns that I have had for a while. A bunch were given to me, and others were acquired when I worked at Fabricland...
So for the 1st round, I have photographed the Simplicity patterns I am giving away, now if anyone wants to give me a small donation for them, it would be appreciative! I could buy proper storage items for my room! :)
You can see what I have here: www.facebook.com/photo.php
If you are interested in any of them let me know and some have multiple sizes...so please spread the news and I will update when I get the Vogue, McCalls and Butterick up.
Trying to dig out of her sewing room! Help!
So for the 1st round, I have photographed the Simplicity patterns I am giving away, now if anyone wants to give me a small donation for them, it would be appreciative! I could buy proper storage items for my room! :)
You can see what I have here: www.facebook.com/photo.php
If you are interested in any of them let me know and some have multiple sizes...so please spread the news and I will update when I get the Vogue, McCalls and Butterick up.
Trying to dig out of her sewing room! Help!
November 8, 2010 - I have been a little remiss...
Ok, OK...I am a very poor journal writer....I haven't posted since February! ACK! :p
I have been very busy since that Feb time frame...I was planning our European holiday and so a lot of stuff got put on the back burner (such as the SCA) I missed the entire camping season!OMG! Bur boy was my trip worth it. If you didn't get the link...here it is you can check it out!
http://insearchofhistory-europe.blogspo t.com/
I know it is on Blogspot, but I have a love/hate relationship with LJ (not a fan of the designs) and I am not sure if I want to stay here or go to Blogspot or really get my website done and host it there...ugh! We went to Germany, France, London and Paris for our trip. We saw one of my husband's best friend get married to a fantastic girl in her hometown of Lure France. I had so much fun with all the history stuff that I want to move to Europe for a year...maybe someday! *sigh*
So for this year's Feast of the Hare I had decided to get an outfit done (surprise, surprise) but unlike my other projects I actually gave up on finishing it in time. So I will take some pics of the in progress and get them up here on LJ & Facebook. So now I am going to take some more time with it and have it ready for another event. This has also had me thinking of changing my persona's period. She is in the 14th century, but really I am not a huge fan of the clothes. They can be really nice, but I am really into the 15-16th centuries...so I am going to think more on that. I will be keeping my name as it doesn't really tie in a period but more of a place, but that doesn't mean I haven't moved or something! LOL!
So now I need to start concentrating on my White Wolf Fian, I need to start on the stuff I already have and worry about the other pieces for when my hubby is working and not in school.I can't wait for him to graduate so we can figure out the finances...this is the hardest part now, the last semester... I need a new job and more money!
Oh yeah I should chat about Feast of the Hare this year...I had a great time when I was entourage for Her Majesty Valfreya...what an amazing lady! I hope I can entourage for her again, it was a great pleasure! Got to meet more of my household with Dame TSivia, that was uber fun too! I was really lucky to be the Chalice bearer this past year and I though it would be nice to have the next bearer get a scroll done in my hand. So I did my first illumination for Lady Catherine Townsen....YAY! I also had to get help from my new house-sister Augusta to get the calligraphy done; and really it was so worth it as she is like this awesome artist! It was so much better than what I have done in the past! Thanks Augusta! Though I had some disappointing moments too (I won't be sharing those)and it has made do some thinking about some stuff (how deep! LOL) so we shall see about it!
I am also thinking about a couple of projects that have kinda fallen in my lap, I will need to make decisions on that and hopefully move forward on them too!
Anyhoo! I am going to put in my calendar...DO LJ Update! So I can put stuff in regularly!
PS. For those in the know...I missed my French Speaking exam...ugh! This is what happens with compressed days! So I have no idea if I can reschedule! Ugh! Super depressed about that!
I have been very busy since that Feb time frame...I was planning our European holiday and so a lot of stuff got put on the back burner (such as the SCA) I missed the entire camping season!OMG! Bur boy was my trip worth it. If you didn't get the link...here it is you can check it out!
I know it is on Blogspot, but I have a love/hate relationship with LJ (not a fan of the designs) and I am not sure if I want to stay here or go to Blogspot or really get my website done and host it there...ugh! We went to Germany, France, London and Paris for our trip. We saw one of my husband's best friend get married to a fantastic girl in her hometown of Lure France. I had so much fun with all the history stuff that I want to move to Europe for a year...maybe someday! *sigh*
So for this year's Feast of the Hare I had decided to get an outfit done (surprise, surprise) but unlike my other projects I actually gave up on finishing it in time. So I will take some pics of the in progress and get them up here on LJ & Facebook. So now I am going to take some more time with it and have it ready for another event. This has also had me thinking of changing my persona's period. She is in the 14th century, but really I am not a huge fan of the clothes. They can be really nice, but I am really into the 15-16th centuries...so I am going to think more on that. I will be keeping my name as it doesn't really tie in a period but more of a place, but that doesn't mean I haven't moved or something! LOL!
So now I need to start concentrating on my White Wolf Fian, I need to start on the stuff I already have and worry about the other pieces for when my hubby is working and not in school.I can't wait for him to graduate so we can figure out the finances...this is the hardest part now, the last semester... I need a new job and more money!
Oh yeah I should chat about Feast of the Hare this year...I had a great time when I was entourage for Her Majesty Valfreya...what an amazing lady! I hope I can entourage for her again, it was a great pleasure! Got to meet more of my household with Dame TSivia, that was uber fun too! I was really lucky to be the Chalice bearer this past year and I though it would be nice to have the next bearer get a scroll done in my hand. So I did my first illumination for Lady Catherine Townsen....YAY! I also had to get help from my new house-sister Augusta to get the calligraphy done; and really it was so worth it as she is like this awesome artist! It was so much better than what I have done in the past! Thanks Augusta! Though I had some disappointing moments too (I won't be sharing those)and it has made do some thinking about some stuff (how deep! LOL) so we shall see about it!
I am also thinking about a couple of projects that have kinda fallen in my lap, I will need to make decisions on that and hopefully move forward on them too!
Anyhoo! I am going to put in my calendar...DO LJ Update! So I can put stuff in regularly!
PS. For those in the know...I missed my French Speaking exam...ugh! This is what happens with compressed days! So I have no idea if I can reschedule! Ugh! Super depressed about that!
February 28, 2010 - Winter War Fun!
Yesterday I traveled with my hubby Takahiro to Winter War held in the Shire of the Northern Outpost. The dayboard was excellent, the A&S classes were a blast (we made 2 boxes for traveling!) and of course the fighting was great. I enjoyed watching our Ealdormerian contingency fight and was a little sad that I wasn't out there with my friends.
I guess I just need to work a bit harder to get ready for my authorization. I really need to get my armor together so I can fight legally.
Now on to trying to figure out how to get to Ice Dragon...
PS - I think I may have Bronchitis...fun and Excitement...off to the clinic today!
I guess I just need to work a bit harder to get ready for my authorization. I really need to get my armor together so I can fight legally.
Now on to trying to figure out how to get to Ice Dragon...
PS - I think I may have Bronchitis...fun and Excitement...off to the clinic today!
January 20, 2010 - The Crazyness!
So it has been a few weeks since I last posted, I have been very remiss in this, but really I wasn't very good at it when I was young either! :)
I get so impressed on how some people can write all the time...Man I have a hard time trying to stay on top of my email and other stuff I have to work on. So I finally found out that I have been accepted at the Ealdormere Kingdom Coordinator for A&S 50 Challenge. I have been trying to get an answer on my application for at least 6 months, and the 2nd time I mention my Belt-Mom...I get "Oh! We she doesn't take on any fools!" I wish that she had seen that the 1st time I mentioned it, but like anything this is only volunteering! :P
So now I need to get some things together for this, any also work on my White Wolf Fian project. (I now need to decide what I am doing! YAY!) try and get my armor done for fighting...if you saw facebook in Dec, you saw the pics. I was extremely happy to have A & H say that it was a good deal! Whew! when you have no idea what you are buying it can be scary! Thanks ladies, you made my night.
So 2010 is planning to be a very busy year, but hopefully fulfilling too! J and I are hoping to be in France in August/Sept time for a wedding...the fingers are crossed for that one...
I will try and not be a stranger again...
I get so impressed on how some people can write all the time...Man I have a hard time trying to stay on top of my email and other stuff I have to work on. So I finally found out that I have been accepted at the Ealdormere Kingdom Coordinator for A&S 50 Challenge. I have been trying to get an answer on my application for at least 6 months, and the 2nd time I mention my Belt-Mom...I get "Oh! We she doesn't take on any fools!" I wish that she had seen that the 1st time I mentioned it, but like anything this is only volunteering! :P
So now I need to get some things together for this, any also work on my White Wolf Fian project. (I now need to decide what I am doing! YAY!) try and get my armor done for fighting...if you saw facebook in Dec, you saw the pics. I was extremely happy to have A & H say that it was a good deal! Whew! when you have no idea what you are buying it can be scary! Thanks ladies, you made my night.
So 2010 is planning to be a very busy year, but hopefully fulfilling too! J and I are hoping to be in France in August/Sept time for a wedding...the fingers are crossed for that one...
I will try and not be a stranger again...
November 13, 2009 - Shocked...Just Shocked...
Well it has been a few weeks since I last posted, but it was a crazy time getting ready for Feast of the Hare (FOTH) lunch.
Well November 7th came and went with a Bang! So on the Friday I whisked myself to Mel and Dave's to finish the pre-cook before the lunch and it had been a very long day because as soon as I walked into the house (which was so quiet and dark) I promptly fell asleep on the couch...and lo and behold Mel and Dave come home at 6pm...and at 6:15pm Yoshi and Augusta arrive...well aren't we all three (or five) peas in a pod! :) I had such a fabulous time that when it was past 11pm we had quite a bit completed! YAY us!
So the dawning of FOTH had me rolling my butt out of bed in hopes that people would enjoy the lunch. After working with the food for well over a month and a half; I couldn't even imagine eating it at this point (usually happens to me when I am cooking like that)...so with the hope and wishful thinking I was off to cook the lunch.
All I have to say is that...it is ALWAYS valuable to have a good friend in the kitchen with you to be the Kitchen Manager....as I couldn't have done it without Dave's clearheaded thinking...definitely without my thinking! If you want the full story you will have to ask me in person for that one!
So we missed all the fighting (or at least I did) any other fun scheduled...but I was excited to have the lunch over...and the fundraiser a success at $145 for the Barony...and time to dress as I have a White Wolf Fian presentation to the Queen! Wow! was that not intense! So my challenge is to create a Saxon Gown with as much hand sewn as possible with the time constraints and all the accessories...This is all due next FOTH. So Good luck to me! LOL
On to court, with the biggest surprise EVER!!! I guess that is what happens when you have an evil Baron and Baroness (just kidding! really!) but they so graciously gave me the honour of the Great Chalice of Skraeling Althing for my work at trying to
be as authentic as possible and to share me knowledge...at least I think that is what it was for! Honestly I was so shocked that I really can't remember exactly what they said...maybe someone can help me..
So...the other cool stuff at court was the handing over of my job as Seneschal to Lady Aevia...the presentation of the taxes and I swear I had nothing to do with the Bunny Flail...and the presentation of the $145 to Their Excellencies as the representative of our household The Surly Mermaid.
So all in all it was a crazy day and most satisfying.... Thank you everyone for their purchases of the lunch, and my surprises...and everything. I have a fabulous time at FOTH.
Well November 7th came and went with a Bang! So on the Friday I whisked myself to Mel and Dave's to finish the pre-cook before the lunch and it had been a very long day because as soon as I walked into the house (which was so quiet and dark) I promptly fell asleep on the couch...and lo and behold Mel and Dave come home at 6pm...and at 6:15pm Yoshi and Augusta arrive...well aren't we all three (or five) peas in a pod! :) I had such a fabulous time that when it was past 11pm we had quite a bit completed! YAY us!
So the dawning of FOTH had me rolling my butt out of bed in hopes that people would enjoy the lunch. After working with the food for well over a month and a half; I couldn't even imagine eating it at this point (usually happens to me when I am cooking like that)...so with the hope and wishful thinking I was off to cook the lunch.
All I have to say is that...it is ALWAYS valuable to have a good friend in the kitchen with you to be the Kitchen Manager....as I couldn't have done it without Dave's clearheaded thinking...definitely without my thinking! If you want the full story you will have to ask me in person for that one!
So we missed all the fighting (or at least I did) any other fun scheduled...but I was excited to have the lunch over...and the fundraiser a success at $145 for the Barony...and time to dress as I have a White Wolf Fian presentation to the Queen! Wow! was that not intense! So my challenge is to create a Saxon Gown with as much hand sewn as possible with the time constraints and all the accessories...This is all due next FOTH. So Good luck to me! LOL
On to court, with the biggest surprise EVER!!! I guess that is what happens when you have an evil Baron and Baroness (just kidding! really!) but they so graciously gave me the honour of the Great Chalice of Skraeling Althing for my work at trying to
So...the other cool stuff at court was the handing over of my job as Seneschal to Lady Aevia...the presentation of the taxes and I swear I had nothing to do with the Bunny Flail...and the presentation of the $145 to Their Excellencies as the representative of our household The Surly Mermaid.
So all in all it was a crazy day and most satisfying.... Thank you everyone for their purchases of the lunch, and my surprises...and everything. I have a fabulous time at FOTH.
October 18, 2009 - Test Cooking with a Vengence!
Yesterday and today was test cook day for the Feast of the Hare lunch menu. Mel and Dave came over on Sat to work on some of it...and then they went to Cornwall on Sunday for the Demo there...it seems to have gone well. I stopped by my parents to pick up my "new" BBQ and then stopped by the demo to say hi...
Glad to see everyone...as for the test cook, everything went well, some minor adjustment, but if you want to know what it is you will have to come by and see us at Hare...PS it is a Baronial Fundraiser...
Glad to see everyone...as for the test cook, everything went well, some minor adjustment, but if you want to know what it is you will have to come by and see us at Hare...PS it is a Baronial Fundraiser...
October 15, 2009 - Grumble...Grumble...Grumble...Excited!!!!
music: Panic! At the Disco
He he...well I am sure that is an interesting title...LOLWell, I grumble about work (well who doesn't), I grumble about silly things that are not happening soon enough....I grumble about the lack of time I have...and I get excited because I finally have website ideas... yes you heard me....website ideas. I have had a website since 2004 or was it 2003...anyhoo, I have had this site forever and have really done absolutely nothing with it...
So I think I have a design...I will attempt to create it...and learn 2 new skills doing it...Website in Photoshop and CSS...whoa! Hold the the cart! (LOL)
Hallowe'en is a coming and I need to plan for that...Hare is coming and I need to cook for that...and what else...well complete craziness...
Well, there is that, finish the little things in the kitchen (some paint repairs, some trim and the last pieces of the floor edges...) so hopefully my guests won't kill themselves walking on the partially finished floor, though most would have no clue as to what I was talking about.
One of the other things I need to think about with the website is content...and Dave yes...I am sure you are going to kill me sometime soon! But I figured I should attempt this and then come crying to you when I really screw it up! LOL...
Let's see if I can get this site up by the new year... Wish me LUCK!!!! I will need it!
PS...I am done my term as Seneschal and it is kinda nice not worrying about it...I know selfish... :-!
September 26, 2009 - Icelandic Althing! YAY!
Well right now I am getting ready for bed in Whitby...just had a fantastic day at the Icelandic Althing in the Barony of Septentria. Had an especially great time seeing old friends and meeting new ones... with especially when you are sort of stranded when the keys for your ride are heading to the hotel without you...got it sorted quickly :) - but that is how I met some new friends!
I enjoyed seeing the DARC encampment with all the cool period arts and crafts. Got some real period made and documented glass beads for my Viking Bling... Saw raw wool being cleaned and preped for spinning, watched the blacksmiths work and watched the firing of pottery in a wood fire...it was sooo amazing!!!! Took a class on weaving small trims and how to make Celtic styled illuminations...Makes me want to get my my illumination stuff started, my embroidery, the Yurt (gher) and my fighting armour put together...
Well, I should be posting more, but I am trying to get some base stuff done before I pass the Seneschal torch to my successor next week.
Have a good night,
I enjoyed seeing the DARC encampment with all the cool period arts and crafts. Got some real period made and documented glass beads for my Viking Bling... Saw raw wool being cleaned and preped for spinning, watched the blacksmiths work and watched the firing of pottery in a wood fire...it was sooo amazing!!!! Took a class on weaving small trims and how to make Celtic styled illuminations...Makes me want to get my my illumination stuff started, my embroidery, the Yurt (gher) and my fighting armour put together...
Well, I should be posting more, but I am trying to get some base stuff done before I pass the Seneschal torch to my successor next week.
Have a good night,
August 29, 2009 - Testing out the iPod touch app (OK Blogger doesn't have an app here - it was for LJ)
location: Home
Had the Baronial council meeting today and it went really well. I uber excited for the next few years...also was able to do a preliminary list of the Baronial stuff :) so we can properly document what we have... Yay!!
August 27, 2009 - NDTB... Part 3 ...A&S 50 Challenge ... What I would like to do (hopefully)...
Potential Challenge Items:
- Light Green Wool Kirtle
- Hemp Boned Corset
- Red/Brown Wool Flemish Overgown
- Yellow Flemish Kirtle
- White Linen Blackwork Coif
- White Linen Redwork Coif
- White Linen Coloured Crewlework Coif
- White Lightweight Linen Partlet
- Black Linen Partlet
- Black Silk Partlet
- German Saxon Gown (all pieces)
- German Saxon Hat
- Egyptian/Syrian 12th Cent Fighter Gear/Garb
- Summer Lightweight Tudor
- Elizabethan 1580’s Gown
- Elizabethan 1570’s Gown
- Italian Renaissance
- Burgundian gown
- Persian
- Elizabethan Loosegown
- Lucet Cords
- Couching Embroidery
- Leather Armour
- Shoes
- Cardweaving
- Red Linen Sleeves
- Red Linen Petticoat
- Illumination/Calligraphy Scrolls
- Recipes (Islamic, French, English)
There are many different things I want to do, so it will take some time obviously...but I am looking forward to this challenge. I will post what I can here, the Yahoo Group, Facebook and hopefully my webpage.
Encouragement is always welcomed as well as ideas or challenges...In the next few weeks/months I will catalogue all my items with pictures, for now I will post me wearing some of the garb peices...
August 27, 2009 - NDTB... Part 2 ...A&S 50 Challenge ... What I have done already...
What I have already done:
1. Green Wool Sideless Surcoat (12th C.)
2. Green Wool - Self-Stuffing Buttons
3. White Cotton Smock – Square Neck
4. Navy Blue Wool Kirtle (15th C. – Burgundian)
5. Yellow Linen Petticoat (15th C. – Burgundian)
6. Yellow Linen Sleeves (15th C. – Burgundian)
7. Black Velvet Henin (15th C. – Burgundian)
8. Red & Gold Stripped Cotton/Linen Petticoat (16th C. – Tudor)
9. White/Cream Wool/Linen/Silk Boned Kirtle (16th C. – Tudor)
10. Navy Blue Cotton/Linen Gown (16th C. – Tudor)
11. Cream Wool Faux Sleeves (16th C. – Tudor)
12. Gable Hood with Billaments– Hand Sewn (16th C. – Tudor)
13. Rose Linen Viking Apron
14. Blue/Taupe Stripped Silk Peplos
15. White cotton Coif – Hand Sewn
16. White Linen Flemish Coif
17. Brown Linen Boned Kirtle (16th C. Flemish)
18. Orange/Navy Blue Linen Reversable Overgown –(16th C. - Flemish)
19. Elizabethan Smock – High necked with ruffles – (16th C.)
August 27, 2009 - OK...Now Down To Business!! Part 1...
So as you can see me posting to my journal has been minimal at best. I seem to have done so much in the last few months that it is hard to believe that summer is now over...
I have some resolutions (I know it not quite time yet) to get started on. I had signed up to do the A&S 50 Challenge, but I have not really done anything to start or at least to start amassing what I planned to do...
So here we go...
Scadian Name: Lady Emelote of Calais
Kingdom: Ealdormere
Local Group: Canton of Harrowgate Heath
Comfort with Teaching (1-5): 5
Challenge Goals: My goals are to do 50 items that interest me. They will range from Garb & Accessories, Embroidery, Cooking, Illumination, Research/Documentation, Calligraphy, Leatherworking, etc. I want to learn as many new skills as possible as well as working to improve my other skills. I want to get more authentic in my activities.
What I do: (1-5, * = teach it): Sewing/Garb making * - 5, Cooking - 4, Calligraphy - 2, Embroidery - 3, Hat making - 3,
What I want to learn: Illumination, Leatherworking, Cardweaving, Fingerloop cords, Lucet Cords, jewelry, etc.
So this is what I have so far...I am sure that I might have missed some but I am going to try and update it as things are completed. I will post my semi wish list and hope that I can work on it throughout the fall.
July 3, 2009 - ACK!
Well as you all may know...Pennsic is only a short time away, and as you can see by how often I have been posting, life has been a little crazy!
My kitchen is almost done, but that is not for here...LOL
I am trying to figure out my Pennsic class schedule, the meal plan I am creating our household called the Surly Mermaid, my camping garb, etc...
It has been a bit of a ride, I am missing some cool events and such, so it is a little distressing.
I am hoping to have a garb list for here, so I can cross off stuff and feel accomplished, but we will see.
Hope to write again soon!
My kitchen is almost done, but that is not for here...LOL
I am trying to figure out my Pennsic class schedule, the meal plan I am creating our household called the Surly Mermaid, my camping garb, etc...
It has been a bit of a ride, I am missing some cool events and such, so it is a little distressing.
I am hoping to have a garb list for here, so I can cross off stuff and feel accomplished, but we will see.
Hope to write again soon!
May 31, 2009 - What's up Girl!
Sorry Everyone...it has been a little busy on the mundane side...I started my kitchen renovation the long weekend in May and it is still not done, so I have been a little crazy!
At Dandelion I had a great time! My garb was mostly completed (16th Century Flemish), but I have a lot more to complete to make me happy...but I was pleased with the look!
The best thing that happened was the Dame TSivia officially accepted me as her Aprentegee (or Apprentice and Protegee) which is so exciting! Me and Avelyn (by best bud!) were both done in a ceremony together! I couldn't ask for a better day! My nieces came with us for their first event, and they enjoyed it.
Hopefully I can talk more about it soon! With Pictures...
At Dandelion I had a great time! My garb was mostly completed (16th Century Flemish), but I have a lot more to complete to make me happy...but I was pleased with the look!
The best thing that happened was the Dame TSivia officially accepted me as her Aprentegee (or Apprentice and Protegee) which is so exciting! Me and Avelyn (by best bud!) were both done in a ceremony together! I couldn't ask for a better day! My nieces came with us for their first event, and they enjoyed it.
Hopefully I can talk more about it soon! With Pictures...
May 11, 2009 - Oh the Mood...
Well, today will be a quick one...I am currently sewing up a mad storm to try and get my outfit done for Dandelion Festival in Tor Brant this weekend. I want to have a nice outfit for the Baronial Investiture.
Not to mention planning my kitchen Reno (OK so that is on the mundane side, LOL)
I have started taking some pictures that I hope to upload in the next couple of days to show you the progress...
I am a bit tired from no sleep last night, kept thinking about my garb and how I feel a bit behind. Tomorrow I will be able to work on it after work, so that should relieve some of the stress.
WOW! This journal thing is fun!
Not to mention planning my kitchen Reno (OK so that is on the mundane side, LOL)
I have started taking some pictures that I hope to upload in the next couple of days to show you the progress...
I am a bit tired from no sleep last night, kept thinking about my garb and how I feel a bit behind. Tomorrow I will be able to work on it after work, so that should relieve some of the stress.
WOW! This journal thing is fun!
May. 7th, 2009 - In the Begining...
Well, what can I say?
This is my first attempt in the world of live journals...but be forewarned, I won't be writing every day. Only when the mood strikes. :)
My name is Lady Emelote of Calais, I live in the Kingdom of Ealdormere, the Barony of Skraeling Althing in the Canton of Harrowgate Heath (Winchester, Ontario, Canada) where I am the Seneschal for our group. If you are wondering how I can be part of a Kingdom, well it is part of the Society of Creative Anachronism or the SCA. We are part of the current middle ages, so if you are interested in the history from before the 17th century then this is the group to join!
May main interests are Clothing (almost all periods) and accessories or as we call it fiber arts, Calligraphy, Illumination, Leather working, Food, Research, etc...
Today I decided that I would join the Arts & Science 50 Challenge. This is where we are challenged with doing 50 items in one of 3 categories. I think I am going to do the second category which is 50 new items or skills. So I will work on creating 50 different items to push my knowledge and techniques...I have to think on what they will be, but I have until May 1, 2015 to complete them. There isn't any judging or competition, except for the feelings of great accomplishment...I am excited to start, but I still have some planning to do.
So I will be making a list here for sure!
Well that is it for now,
This is my first attempt in the world of live journals...but be forewarned, I won't be writing every day. Only when the mood strikes. :)
My name is Lady Emelote of Calais, I live in the Kingdom of Ealdormere, the Barony of Skraeling Althing in the Canton of Harrowgate Heath (Winchester, Ontario, Canada) where I am the Seneschal for our group. If you are wondering how I can be part of a Kingdom, well it is part of the Society of Creative Anachronism or the SCA. We are part of the current middle ages, so if you are interested in the history from before the 17th century then this is the group to join!
May main interests are Clothing (almost all periods) and accessories or as we call it fiber arts, Calligraphy, Illumination, Leather working, Food, Research, etc...
Today I decided that I would join the Arts & Science 50 Challenge. This is where we are challenged with doing 50 items in one of 3 categories. I think I am going to do the second category which is 50 new items or skills. So I will work on creating 50 different items to push my knowledge and techniques...I have to think on what they will be, but I have until May 1, 2015 to complete them. There isn't any judging or competition, except for the feelings of great accomplishment...I am excited to start, but I still have some planning to do.
So I will be making a list here for sure!
Well that is it for now,
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